4 Breakfast Foods You Should Never Eat If You Are A Woman Over 50

Because of hormone imbalance due to the onset of menopause, some breakfast foods that you use to get away with eating when you were younger, are now forcing your body to store stubborn belly fat. Do you want to know what they are? Keep reading.


The packaging claims on many breakfast cereals are that they are "High in Fiber", contain "Added Nutrients", are "Low in Fat" I even saw one that said "Clinically Shown to Improve Attentiveness by nearly 20%". That's because they are high in sugar and other added chemicals. Packaged breakfast cereals are the WORST possible food to eat for breakfast. Starting your day with processed food that is high in sugar will set you up for a blood sugar crash later in the day. This will lead you to make ANOTHER bad food choice because you feel like you're starving and you crave something that's sweet or a meal that's high in refined carbohydrates.

Instead of pre-packaged breakfast cereals, try

Homemade oatmeal
Protein and fruit smoothies
Eggs (made any way you like them)
Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt with berries and nuts
Waffles made with eggs, oatmeal, apples and cinnamon, topped with berries and Greek yogurt


Orange Juice and other fruit juices are considered to be healthy drinks. They are definitely better than soda or diet soda... right? But think about it, how many apples would you have to eat to get the same amount of juice that is in an 8 oz. glass of apple juice? You would have to eat at least 3 large apples. But you would never eat 3 apples in one sitting, would you? Not unless you wanted to deal with a massive stomach ache... not to mention the fact that a whopping 97% of the calories in apple juice are from carbs. Only 1% is from dietary fiber.

Instead of drinking a glass of fruit juice, opt for the whole or cut up fruit instead. You will not only benefit from the act of chewing the fruit (yes, you will burn a few calories) but you will benefit from the fiber too. Dietary fiber helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, may lower your risk of heart disease, and helps to reduce constipation and diverticulitis.

Instead of fruit juice, drink

Water with lemon juice or lemon slices
Water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
Herbal tea
Black or green tea
Black coffee
A protein smoothie

Sometimes you need something to "Grab and Go" for breakfast. You might think that a pre-packaged protein bar or meal replacement bar is a good idea. But most of these pre-packaged foods that "pretend" to be healthy, are anything but healthy. Read the ingredient list. You'll find that the list of ingredients is not that much different from the ingredients in a candy bar or chocolate bar. Yes, they might have more protein than a regular candy bar, but the sugar content, or artificial sweeteners and other additives and preservatives in them make them just as unhealthy as eating a candy bar.

Instead of eating pre-packaged protein bars, make your own protein bars or balls. Go online to find recipes.

Other "Grab and Go" ideas include:

A handful of nuts and some fresh fruit
A spoonful of peanut butter on a celery stick
Oatmeal, banana, dark chocolate chip muffin
Muffin tin egg recipes (search online)


Bread is a staple breakfast food. However, we know that eating bread can cause a big spike in blood sugar and lead to hunger which leads to poor food choices.

Most bread is made from refined wheat, which has been stripped of most fiber and nutrients. Even breads labeled "whole" wheat contain mostly pulverized grains.

Since many people are intolerant to gluten, which is a protein in wheat, the term "gluten-free" has been associated with "healthier". Therefore people who are trying to be "healthier" or who are intolerant to gluten opt for bread that is labeled "gluten-free" instead of traditional wheat or whole wheat bread. But that's a mistake!

Processed "gluten-free" foods are generally UNHEALTHY as are ALL processed foods, because most processed "gluten-free" products including bread, usually contain cheap processed grain fillers like corn, rice, potato starch, and sorghum, plus added chemicals. These types of ingredients are void of nutrients and are extremely unhealthy. They do as much damage to your gut as wheat would do, if not more.

Instead of processed gluten-free bread, look for recipes online for grain-free bread alternatives, such as Oopsie bread, or try

Plain brown rice crackers
Big-leafed greens like lettuce or romaine lettuce are great substitutions for bread or wraps.
Corn tortillas are gluten-free but high in fiber
Do you want to learn more?

In my health coaching programs, I help clients tune in to their bodies and their minds by uncovering their motivation, providing information, facilitating new experiences, while delivering support and guidance so that they set themselves up for success in achieving their health goals. They discover that the journey to being healthy and being the best version of themselves is a whole new enjoyable experience.

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